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Buku Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 11



In learning a foreign language, the skills of reading is a skill that must be mastered by students. Learner is expected to understand the different types of readings and a series of text that they meet. One of the means of learning German is a textbook. The textbook plays a great role for teachers as well as for learners. For this reason, an analysis is needed in the German language book, namely Pluspunkt Deutsch. In this textbook there are many exercises that increase the learning process. According to Hans – Jürgen Krumm (in Kast and Neuner), exercise is an aspect that can be analyzed by the textbook. The title of this research is 'The collection of the tasks of the textbook Pluspunkt Deutsch as additional exercises of the German reading skills for SMA class XI second semesters'.                 The problem of this research is 'conformity the exercises in Pluspunkt Deutsch with the subject, curriculum contents in 2013 (revised), vocabulary, as well as the form and purpose of the reading skills, which can be applied to class IX second semesters as additional exercises German reading skills'.This research uses the revised 2013 curriculum as a reference, which develops the indicators, the theory of the exercise type of Albers and Bolton as well as the purpose of Bolton. These aspects work for the analysis of the reading exercises in research data.                The results show that there are 3 lessons with the theme of Alltagsleben, with 11 reading exercises. After analyzing compliance with aspects such as topic, curriculum contents, vocabulary, reading exercise type, and purpose of reading, these research results will yield 9 exercises for reading skills. While 2 other exercises do not meet the aspects of the topic of learning.Keywords: Textbook, additional exercises, reading skills

Materi Bahasa Indonesia kelas XI SMA/MA 1. MEMBACAKAN BERITA. Mengemukakan kelebihan dan kekurangan buku (novel) baik dari segi isi maupun bahasa; (d) Merevisi resensi dengan memperhatikan susunan kalimatnya, kepaduan.




Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh informasi terkait keseimbangan aspek literasi sains pada isi buku ajar fisika SMA kelas XI yang digunakan oleh siswa SMA di Kota Bandung. Buku ajar memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalam proses pembelajaran, karena berkaitan langsung dengan siswa maupun guru sebagai salah satu sumber pembelajaran. Maka kualitas buku ajar dijadikan salah satu acuan untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Buku ajar yang disusun dan dikembangkan sesuai kurikulum yang berlaku akan sangat membantu guru dalam meningkatkan aspek literasi sains siswa. Mengingat pentingnya literasi sains sebagai bekal siswa untuk menghadapi tatangan perkembangan abad 21 dan buku ajar maka melatarbelakangi penelitian ini, khususnya pada pembelajaran fisika. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk menganalisis buku ajar fisika ini adalah lembar aspek literasi sains yang diadopsi dari John Wilkinson yang sebelumnya telah dikembangkan oleh Chiappetta, Fillman, dan Sethna. Aspek literasi sains yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah: pengetahuan sains; sains sebagai cara untuk menyelidiki; sains sebagai cara berpikir; serta interaksi antara sains, teknologi, dan masyarakat. Buku ajar yang di analisis sebanyak 3 buku dengan menggunakan kurikulum 2013 revisi 2016. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ruang lingkup literasi sains pada ke tiga buku ajar yang dianalisis lebih menekankan kepada aspek sains pengetahuan sains dengan rata-rata persentase sebesar 73,2% dan persentase aspek literasi sains yang paling rendah adalah aspek sains interaksi antara sains, teknologi dan masyarakat, sebesar 0,7%. Berdasarkan data tersebut memberikan gambaran bahwa buku ajar fisika yang beredar mempunyai aspek literasi sains yang tidak seimbang.

Kata Kunci: literasi sains; buku ajar


Buku Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 11 Smk

The purpose of this study was to obtain information about the balance of aspects scientific literacy on the content of textbooks physics high school for XI grade used student in Bandung. The textbooks have a very important role in the learning process, because that have direct contact related with students and teachers as one source of learning. So, the quality of the textbooks become one of the options to achive learning object. The textbooks are arranged and developed in accordance with the applicable curriculum will greatly assist teachers in improving aspects of students science literacy. Given the importance that as a stock of students to deal with the challenges of the development of the 21st century and textbooks, then this is the background of this research, especially on learning physics. The instrument used to analyze ths physics textbooks was scientific literacy sheet categories adopted from John Wilkinson previously developed by Chiappetta, Fillman, and Sethna. The scientific literacy aspect used in this research: the knowledge of science; the investigative nature of science; science as a way of thinking, and interaction of science, technology, and society. The textbooks analyzed are total of three books using the 2013 revision curriculum 2016. The result of this study indicate the scope of science literacy in the three textbooks are analyzed more emphasis on aspect of science knowledge with average percentage of 73.2% and percentage the lowest aspect of science literacy is aspect of interaction of science, technology and society, 0.7%. Based on these data provide illustrates the outstanding physics textbook generally has aspects of science literacy is not balanced.

Keywords: scientific literacy; textbooks

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