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Quizlet Milady Chapter 6

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Milady Chapter 6 Test

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Quizlet Milady Chapter 6

Milady Esthetics Chapter 6 Quizlet

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the medical branch of science that deals with the study of the skin- its nature ,structure,functions,diseases and treatment
the outer most layer and thinnest layer of the skin
the clear transparent later under the stratum corneum it consists of small cells through which light can pass
layer of the epidermis that is composed of cells that look like granules and are filled with keratin
the outer most layer of the dermis directly beneath the epidermis
small cone shaped elevations or the base of the hair follicles
skin disorder characterized by chronic inflammation of the sebaceous glands from retained secretions and propionibacterium acne's bacteria
small involuntary muscles in the base of the hair follicle that cause goose flesh also called goose bumps and papillae
thickening of the skin caused by continued repeated pressure on any part of the skin especially the hands and feet
fibrous protein that gives the skin form and strength
physician who specializes in diseases and disorders of the skin, hair and nails
protein base similar to collagen that forms elastic tissue
the top of the papillary layer where it joins the epidermis
a specialist in the cleansing beautification and preservation of the health of the skin on the entire body, including the face and neck
a type of melanin that is dark brown to black in color. people with dark colored skin mostly produce eumelanin. there are two types of melanin the other type is pheomelanin
fibrous protein of cells that is also the principal component of hair and nails
tiny grains of pigment(coloring matter) that are produced by melanocytes and deposited into cells in the stratum germinativum layer of the epidermis and in the papillary layers of the dermis
cells that produce the dark skin pigment called melanin
fibers of the nerves that are distributed to the arrector pili muscles attached to hair follicles motor nerves carry impulses from the brain to the muscles
small elevation on the skin that contains no fluids but may develop pus
a type of melanin that is red to yellow in color people with light colored skin mostly produce pheomelanin
raised inflammed papule with a white or yellow center containing pus in the top of the lesion referred to as the head of the pimple
deeper layer of the dermis that supplies the skin with oxygen and nutrients contains fat cells blood vessels sudoriferous(sweat) glands hair follicles lymph vessels arrector pili muscles sebaceous(oil) glands
Glands connected to hair follicles sebum is the fatty or oily secretions of the sebaceous glands
a fatty or oily secretion that lubricates the skin and preserves the softness of the hair
fibers of the secretory nerve that are distributed to the sudoriferous glands and sebaceous glands secretory nerves which are part of autonomic nervous system regulate the excretion of perspiration from the sweat glands and control the flow of sebum to the surface of the skin
fibers of the sensory nerve that react to heat,cold,touch,pressure and pain sensory receptors taht send messages to the brain
deepest, live layer of the epidermis that produces new epidermal skin cells and is responsible for growth
the spiny layer just above the stratum germinativum layer
fatty tissue found below the dermis that gives smoothness and contour to the body contains fat for use as energy and also acts as a protective cushion for the outer skin
excrete oerspiration and detoxify the body by excreting exess salt and unwanted chemicals
small epidermal structures with nerve endings that are sensitive to touch and pressure
supports overall health of skin aids in health function and repair of skin cells has been shown to improve the skins elasticity and thickness
important substance needed for proper repair of the skin and tissues; promotes the production of collagen in the skins dermal tissues aids in and promotes the skins healing process
enables the body to properly absorb and use calcium the element needed for proper bone development and maintenance vitamin d also promotes rapid healing of the skin
helps protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sunds uv light
no it has to be nourished by the 6 main nutrients for the body
protection,sensation,heat regulation,excretion,secretion,absorption
grains,vegetables,milk,fruits,meat poultry fish and beans
A)one essential item the body cant live with out
B) why is it important to the skin and body
B)sustains the health of the skin cells assists with the elimination of tocins and waste, helps regulate the bodys temperature,and aids in proper digestion
they are weakened by old age ,lack of moisture,environmental damage such as uv light or frequent changes in weight the skin will begin to lose its tone and suppleness this weakening trend causes wrinkles