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Free Nc1 Viewer

  1. Free Nc1 Viewer

“The free HGG DSTV viewer is a great tool to visualize your profile” Make sure you have a clear view of your cut position, even before it is cut! When NC (DSTV)-files are exported from a 3D CAD-system it is often desirable to have a 3D view, check and control of the position graphically.

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Websites Listing


We found at least 10 Websites Listing below when search with free nc1 viewer on Search Engine

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Free CMS Viewer - CMS - StrucSoft Solutions

CMS Viewer enables graphical scrolling through DSTV files in a browser like interface, allowing users to rapidly view contents of any number of files in the same directory. With CMS users can check dimensions, view details such as holes, patterns, and cutting angles, and rotate the part to view it from any angle.

Introducing Free CMS Viewer for DSTV files - StrucSoft ..

CMS Viewer is now available for free with a new and improved interface. CMS Viewer allows users to view and verify the exact content of structural steel component DSTV files (nc1). With CMS Viewer, users can check dimensions, view details such as holes, patterns, and cutting angles, and rotate the part to view it from […]

Free DSTV Viewer? Factory Daily

I contacted the helpdesk via the DSTV viewer, just because i think the 3D view is simply great. This answer is given. 1) Since we offer this DSTV viewer for many different industries, we think a 3D view is prefered. We also believe that intuitive handling will become more common and therefore, having a 3D view will be more used.

NC Viewer (free) download Windows version

Download NC Viewer for free. NC Viewer is application for viewing live video images from the network camera, and features an easy-to-use interface for controlling camera functions such as PTZ and an innovative access control feature available only in Canon network cameras.

Free MSG EML Viewer Free Online Email Viewer

Free Nc1 Viewer

Encryptomatic operates this free online .eml and .msg file viewer. Upload your .msg or .eml file and view the message. Online .msg viewer, and .eml viewer.

Untitled Page []

The Basic CNC Viewer is free. No license is required and it will never expire. This software must not be relied upon to validate an NC machine program for use in a commercial application. Please see the EULA for limit of liability and restrictions.

Controlled Automation Software

Controlled Automation's software support staff can help you on the phone, over the internet and through email. We quickly resolve issues online, without the need for an expensive service visit. Office hours are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM CST (-5 GMT)

NC files Tekla User Assistance

NC filesNC (Numerical Control) refers to a method where machine tool operations are controlled with a computer. The NC data controls the motion of CNC (computer numerical control) machine tools. During the manufacturing process a machine tool or machining center drills, cuts, punches or shapes the piece of material.

NC1 File Extension: What Is It & How To Open It?

NC1 File Summary. Most NC1 files can be viewed with Mastercam from CNC Software (the only known affiliated software application) and associated with the Mastercam Numerical Control File format as it's primary file type. NC1 files are traditionally categorized as CAD Files. File Extension NC1 files have been identified on both desktop and mobile devices.

The Steel Detailer DSTV CNC Export – The Steel Detailer

The Steel Detailer DSTV CNC Exporter only produces NC1 Files for components and not welded members. By default Part Marking is applied and can be modified by changing the Marks face, position and font size. Custom Properties can be used as Part Marks rather than using The Steel Detailers' standard default naming convention.

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Home > Search converters: nc1 to dxf

Conversion of nc1 file format to dxf file format beta

Search for nc1 to dxf converter or software able to handle these file types.

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Convert Xsteel CAD drawing to AutoCAD DXF Drawing Exchange Format.

We have found 3 software records in our database eligible for .nc1 to .dxf file format conversion.

It appears that AutoCAD supports the Xsteel CAD format (.nc1) and thus can be used to export it to a standard .dxf file. NC1 is fairly uncommon format so the viable software options for a successful nc1 to dxf conversion are somewhat limited.

Updated: November 13, 2018

Microsoft Windows software - convert nc1 to dxf on Windows


Leading 2D and 3D CAD development software from Autodesk

File extension









Convert from nc1 file

NoYesYesnc1 editorNoNoNoNo

to dxf file

NoYesYesdxf editorYesNoNoNo

The tables with software actions are a good pointer for what a certain program does with various file types and often may give users a good hint how to perform certain file conversion, for example the above-mentioned nc1 to dxf. However, it is not perfect and sometimes can show results which are not really usable because of how certain programs work with files and the possible conversion is thus actually not possible at all.

Tekla Structures software

A BIM software from Tekla

File extension










Apple macOS / Mac OS X software - convert nc1 to dxf on OS X

AutoCAD for Mac

A Mac version of popular Autodesk AutoCAD software

File extension










Additional links: Open nc1 file, Open dxf file


Files with nc1 file extension can be mainly found as CAD files in special Xsteel format. Used in some steel machinery.

Softube tape torrent. DXF

Files with dxf file suffix can be typically found as 2D CAD drawings saved in the Drawing Exchange Format, a common format for exchange of engineering drawings.

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